Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Well managed SMSF's need insurance and hedging

The risk management of self managed insurance funds must include insurance, usually for term life. Estate and succession planning require insurance and smsf's will comprise the estate of significant numbers. If plan trustees are in the accumulation and partial pension phases of fund management, risk management tools such as CFD's, warrants, options and futures are advantageous.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hedge fund risk

Sam Wylie discusses the re-allocation of risk in the forex and interest rate markets on his blog, Core Economics.
How is the risk allocated by insurance?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hedging your SMSF with Contracts for Difference

I am using CFD's to hedge a SMSF. The transaction costs are low and I can adjust the level of the hedge quickly. This agility to match the hedge with the hedged gives CFD's the edge over traditional insurance.